What is cork?
Cork oak (Quercus Suber) is a medium-sized evergreen tree that grows to a height of about 20 metres and has a lifespan of 170–200 years. Cork oak grows mainly in southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa.
Cork is the bark of the cork oak. The bark is removed from the tree on average every 10–12 years and the primary cut is made on a tree at least 25 years old. Bark is removed from one tree on average about 10 times during its lifetime. Removing the bark does not damage the trees, as the bark recovers naturally.
50% of the world’s cork harvest comes from Portugal.
The bark removed from the cork oak is dried in the sun, boiled and compressed, resulting in a durable, waterproof, and stylish material. The structure of the cork is compared to a honeycomb, and the porous structure gives the material lightness and elasticity. Natural patterns add uniqueness to the cork material. Cork is biodegradable, renewable, recyclable, and 100% environmentally friendly.
The cork bags sold in Kingisalong selection are made of high-quality Portuguese cork. The products are handcrafted in a small Portuguese company, with particular emphasis on product design and quality. Each product is made by the best craftsmen and has undergone thorough quality control.
S. cork bags HERE